Austérité et social-démocratie

Un article concernant une réunion d’hier organisée par l’université de Copenhague qui avait invité Barroso et la premier ministre danoise Helle Thorning-Schmidt. Il est en danois malheureusement, mais google translate fait presque des miracles…

Il est question dans la deuxième partie de l’article de questions posées par des étudiants étrangers, qui sont restées sans réponse évidemment.

Voici une question posée par un camarade grec de CrisisMirror :

« This question is addressed to Helle Thorning-Schmidt, head of the Social Democratic party of Denmark, prime-minister of a Scandinavian welfare state and current leader of the European Council.

We have seen the EU supporting the non-elected prime-ministers of Italy and Greece, in order to enforce exhausting austerity measures and despite the peoples’ apparent opposition. In addition, we have seen the EU adopting market-driven policies which create recession and unemployment, diminish the welfare system and destroy the social cohesion. Policies that instigate racism; promote police oppression and restriction of civil liberties.

Therefore, we would like to hear the reasons that you, as the leader of the European Council, and despite your social democratic background, embrace these autocratic neoliberal policies, and in what social cost will the EU move forwards? »

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