Document sur les opérations d’infiltration policière dans les milieux et réseaux activistes anarchistes

Finally the analysis about undercover policing in Europe was published within the recent Statewatch journal. Find an online version in english here:

The text researches last years known undercover activities in several countries. There was lots of initiative about the case of the cop Mark Kennedy in Germany, that helped us to find out more about international police networking. Kennedy and other UK cops were at the G8 in Germany in 2007 among a dozen foreign undercover cops.

Maybe the analysis helps to have more networking with other countries, where these cops (especially Kennedy) were operating: Kennedys’ infiltration led to raids, detentions and trials… His mission was to secure more severe sentences for activists and sue them for “conspiracy”.

D’un camarade allemand – 29 août 2011.

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