[Grèce] Manif solidaire à Copenhague

Today, February 12th, over 50 people in solidarity with the Greek movement from Greece and other countries, people that live, work or study in Denmark, gathered in front of the Greek embassy in Copenhagen in order to show our opposition towards what is being planned for us and without us.


More specifically, we oppose the new measures that have been decided by international financial terrorists (IMF, ECB, EU) in cooperation with the local intermediates of power (Corporate Media, Greek Government) and are being voted on at this moment. These measures, apart from being economically ineffective, have the sole purpose of ensuring the profits of the local and international capital markets and the reproduction of the « casino-style » capitalism; they are leading a whole society into even deeper poverty. Concepts like democracy and legitimacy of authority have been long forgotten and bypassed.

It’s more obvious than ever that struggle against this system is the only solution. Consequently, we decided to become active and to organize, knowing that the crisis is global and systemic. Over 50 people gathered for two hours in front of the Greek embassy, shouting chants and holding banners. The police, as always, demanded from us a representative and to follow all the formal procedures.  Naturally, we denied all these demands from the police and continued our manifestation. We concluded our action by marching around the city center of Copenhagen and along the main market street (Strøget).

Not a step back.
Kick out the banksters, IMF, the govenment and the monetary monarchs.
Solidarity to the struggle of the Greek people.
One world – one revolution.

Indymedia Athènes, 13 février 2012.

Ce contenu a été publié dans L'insurrection grecque de décembre 2008 et ses suites, avec comme mot(s)-clé(s) , . Vous pouvez le mettre en favoris avec ce permalien.