[Tunisie] Fuck da school

Un groupe d’élèves ont attaqué leur lycée, Mohamed Boudhina à Hammamet, vendredi 20 janvier 2012, en signe de mécontentement que l’administration leur a refusé l’octroi d’un billet d’entrée et leur a demandé d’être accompagnés de leurs parents pour justifier leurs absences répétitives.

Selon Kamel Messaoud, directeur de l’établissement qui s’est intervenu sur les ondes de Shems FM, ces élèves étaient munis de cocktail molotov, de pierres et de pétards.

Cette manifestation, annoncée depuis deux jours sur facebook, a causé l’arrêt des cours dans l’établissement.

Leur presse (M.H.D., Investir en Tunisie, 20 janvier 2012)

Disrespectful Behavior Among Tunisian Students

Educators claim that they are having difficulties dealing with disobeying students. Since the end of the Tunisian Revolution, teachers began complaining about the disrespectful behavior of students. High school students especially, have created new conditions in educational institutions that make work and  normal course nearly impossible.

Fethi Abroug, middle school principal, told Tunisia Live that he noticed a change in the behavior of his pupils. “They have become so disrespectful, they are not afraid of the administration any more. They do not care of they get suspended, they always steal the annual attendance sheet, they answer their teachers rudely, and they are no longer afraid of authority in general.” Abroug added, “I do not know if this behavior has to do with the revolution, but this is not acceptable. We are trying to be more understandable, but they need to respect their teachers and the administration.”

According to Mohamed Mtaallah, a middle school teacher in Kelibia, “There is definitely change in Students behavior, in a bad way, they no longer care about the administration and the rules. They are not afraid of them anymore.” Continuing, “Teachers are being attacked by parents even though their children were wrong, especially if the teacher are known for being followers of the RCD (Ben Ali’s Regime).”

Leur presse (Sana Ajmi, Tunisia Live, 22 novembre 2011)

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